Fees & Enrollment
When a firm commitment can be made to place your child in Sunburst, we ask that you fill out an application form, pay a $30.00 non-refundable fee, and make a commitment regarding a starting date.
Public Health and Ministry regulations require that you complete a medical form. Note that it is especially important that the dates of all immunization shots be recorded, health card number, physicians name, address and phone number.
We offer no allowance for sick or vacation leave. Our financial survival depends on optimum enrollment at all times.
FOUR WEEKS written NOTICE is required for withdrawal of a child from Sunburst. You are responsible for the fees for this period. DISCHARGE POLICY - The centre's staff will make every effort to meet the individual needs of each child enrolled in the program. There may be situations, however, where we may not be able to meet these needs. The parent(s) will be kept informed of all efforts and areas of concern through formal and informal discussions with teachers and the Exec. Director. All meetings with parents will be well documented. The Board reserves the right to withdraw services for any of, but not limited to the following reasons. – Lack of payment of fees, Conduct that is injurious to the physical emotional or intellectual well being of others in the centre, Lack of compliance with the parental/guardian responsibilities outlined in the policies of the centre, Behavior that creates a potential safety hazard to children and staff, Verbal abuse, harassment, or threatening of children/staff, Inability of the centre's program and staff to meet the child's individual needs and Individual needs of a specific child that interferes with those of other children or puts other at risk. In the event the board withdraws a child from the centre due to the above circumstances, children's services consultant will be notified if applicable.
Fees are linked to child's age, not to the room of residence. (A child's progress through the various rooms is based on age: individual development and space availability are the main movement criteria.)
Fees are paid by post dated cheques written in six months series (January - June and July - December) and dated the first banking day of the month. Returned cheques must be replaced immediately. A charge of $10.00 is levied to cover bank charges and administrative costs.
The 2024 monthly fees are as follows:
$797.58 - Infant - 0-18 months
$672.37 - Toddler - 18-30 months
$520.70 - Pre-school - 2½-5 years
Effective January 1, 2025 fees for all ages will be $22.00 per day.
Sunburst is enrolled in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) funding program through the Federal Government. Fees will be adjusted according to the Government mandate.
Sunburst is open Monday to Friday, 7:15 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with the exception of December 24 and 31, when the centre closes at 2:00 p.m.
Late fees will apply after the closing time. The cost is $1.00 per minute. This money will be payable to the teacher staying late with your child. Please make every effort to arrive on time.
The centre is open year round. It is closed for the following holidays:
New Year's Day (January 1)
February (3rd Monday) /Family Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day (The first Monday on or preceding May 24)
Dominion Day (July 1)
Simcoe Day (The first Monday in August)
Labour Day (The first Monday in September)
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (September 30)
Thanksgiving (The second Monday in October)
Remembrance Day (November 11)
Christmas Day (December 25)
Boxing Day (December 26)
*Please note: If the scheduled holiday falls on a weekend Sunburst will be closed the next school day following the holiday.
If you plan on keeping your child home for the day, or to be late, please let the centre know. We are very concerned when children are absent for any reason.
Sunburst has an open door policy, visits or phone calls are welcome. Parents have the right to choose their level of involvement. Some suggestions are: Board of Director, fundraising committee or participating in fundraising ventures, newsletter input, repair equipment or donating toys/equipment.
The staff, volunteers and practical teaching students, all review Sunburst's Behavior Management Policy on an annual basis. The centre follows all of the required guidelines as set out by the Ministry of Education under the Day Nurseries Act of Ontario. Our Behavior Management Policy is posted on the parent information board for you to familiarize yourself with. All staff are to follow centres policy regarding child abuse and are to report to CAS any incidents.
It is recommended that your child arrives at the centre by 10:00 a.m. This will give your child time to settle in before lunch and participate in the morning program.
Parents are responsible for undressing their children and hanging up outer clothing in provided cubbies. Parents then escort children into class areas ensuring a staff member has acknowledged your arrival. Same procedure at home time.
If you are unable to pick up your child from Sunburst and have authorized someone else to do so, please inform the director or room teacher in writing or by telephone the name of the person who will be picking the child up at the end of the day. That person will be asked for identification if not known to the teachers. All visitors to Sunburst will be escorted in the building by Sunburst staff. In the situation in which a person (particularly a close relative such as one of the parent/grandparent) is not to pick up a certain child it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian who has legal custody to inform Sunburst, and to provide legal proof ( e.g. court order)- (+) PARKING
Parents are required to use the entrance nearest the daycare. Park in the indented parking zone area closest to the playground. The doors closest to the daycare remain locked and can only be opened by an access card. Access cards must be used by parents to enter the building. An application form is to be completed along with an undated cheque in the amount of $25.00. This cheque will only be cashed if the card is lost.
The Sunburst staff is fully versed in the evacuation procedures. A copy of the procedure is posted in each class. Personnel from the building have been assigned to the school areas to help the staff during an evacuation. Blankets are supplied for the daycare. In addition to this staff hold a monthly fire drill, following procedures outlined in the Day Nurseries Act. In inclement weather the children will be taken to an emergency evacuation shelter which is located in the lab building beside the daycare.
Sunburst prohibits the use and access to all standing bodies of water including wading pools. Sunburst will provide sensory exploration through spray bottles and or water play tables, under close supervision of staff. We encourage all families to familiarize themselves with basic water/swimming safety tips through www.lifesaving.com
Infants, toddlers and preschoolers participate at times in walks off the premises. All walks are well supervised and do not exceed more than three walking blocks radius of the centre. A consent form is attached to the application forms and is kept on file.
Please dress your child for the season: provide hats, mitts and warm outer wear during the colder weather and sun hats and sweaters for the chilly days in summer. We advocate simple, easily washed functional clothing which allows for freedom of movement and facilitates independence for the child. A spare set of marked clothing should always be in your child's bin.
Jewelry is not appropriate in a child care centre for two reasons: 1)In case of loss we cannot be responsible for the value of the item, and 2)small items can be swallowed. The same applies to coins.- (+) DIET
Sunburst provides two nutritious snacks a day and good balanced hot lunch which comes from a catering company. A copy of the menus is sent home monthly in the newsletter as well as being posted in your child's classroom. Only minor changes from regular diet can be made, e.g. vegetarian lunches can be provided for kosher and vegetarians. Food, formula and homo milk must be provided for infants. Once your child can eat the foods supplied by our caterer we will then provide your child's food. 2% milk is served twice daily at Sunburst.
SUNBURST HAS A NO NUT POLICY. Please ensure that any foods brought into the centre are nut free.
Sunburst has developed an emergency plan to deal with anaphylactic occurrences. This plan is designed to ensure that children at risk are identified, strategies are in place to minimize the potential for accidental exposure, and staff, student, teachers, volunteers are trained to respond in an emergency situation. Policy is available to read and is posted in all classes and in the office.
Sunburst is a smoke-free environment. No person shall smoke or hold lighted tobacco in the daycare/washroom area/playground.
Please do not bring your child to school if they are sick, this includes children running moderate to high fever, diarrhea, vomiting and rash. In these circumstances your child will not be accepted at time of arrival or if these symptoms develop at Sunburst you must be prepared to take your child home.
Prescription medication will be given to children at Sunburst if it is in the original packaging from the pharmacy clearly stating your child's name, dosage and Dr's name and date prescribed. Non prescribed medications will only be administered if it is a request from your physician on their original letterhead clearly stating child's name, medication, dosage, reason for administering and if required for fever at what temperature does the child have before being given the medication.
A medication form is to be completed by the parent and signed by a staff member. Medication is administered by the room teacher and witnessed by the senior staff member on duty.- (+) WEATHER POLICY
Sun safety – Staff will apply sunscreen on children before going outdoors when there is moderate to high UV index reading. Smog Advisory – When Environment Canada issues a smog advisory for the Toronto region the staff will take the children outdoors before 11:00 a.m.. The children will remain indoors when Environment Canada has issued both a smog and humidex advisory. Cold weather – The children will remain indoors when the temperature exceeds -10 degrees Celsius with a wind chill.
The degree of trauma experienced by a child upon separation from parents varies enormously and manifests itself in many ways. We always give extra help and support to a new child. However, a transition period for both the child and parents is to be expected. You know your child and we advocate that you handle this in a manner with which you feel comfortable. We will support you through this period. We require you to visit the centre with your child before their actual start date. When dropping your child off in the morning please maintain a positive approach, give your child a hug and a kiss and say Good bye I will be back to pick you up after work. Then firmly leave. Give us a call when you get to work to see how your child is doing. So often a parent goes to work shattered, while the child has soon recovered and is playing happily.
It is in the best interest of the child if the parents and staff communicate freely on a day to day basis about how things are going. It is important to us that we know if your child had a restless night and is tired or seems out of sorts for some reason. If parents have any questions, ideas or suggestions please feel free to approach either the room teacher or the executive director. The president of the Board is also readily available to address your concerns.